Salesforce André van Kampen Salesforce André van Kampen

The Salesforce ecosystem - an introduction

Are you familiar with all parts of the Salesforce ecosystem? Probably not. Why should you care? Because you’re most likely missing out on valuable (and free) stuff. Let me show you what is out there and how to navigate the extensive ecosystem of Salesforce.

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Salesforce André van Kampen Salesforce André van Kampen

Highlights of the Spring ‘21 release

A new Salesforce release is coming! It is already available in most sandbox environments today. The release notes (preview) of Spring ’21 have been published. Since the list of new changes and updates is very long, I picked out 10 of my favourites. Each item has instructions on how you (the administrator) can apply them in your own environment.

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Salesforce André van Kampen Salesforce André van Kampen

Highlights of the Winter ‘21 release

A new Salesforce release is coming! Tomorrow, to be exact. From 12 September ’20, the new release is available in most sandbox environments. The release notes (preview) of Winter ’21 have been published. Since the list of new changes and updates is very long, I picked out 10 of my favourites. Each item has instructions on how you (the administrator) can apply them in your own environment.

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Salesforce André van Kampen Salesforce André van Kampen

Highlights of the Summer ‘20 release

A new Salesforce release is coming! The release notes (preview) of Summer ’20 have been published. Since the list of new changes and updates is very long, I picked out 10 of my favourites. Each item has instructions on how you (the administrator) can apply it.

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